Perth Diesel Heater Installations
If you’re looking for a one stop supply and install of diesel heaters in metro Perth then we can definitely help you.
We offer the full range of heaters from generic Chinese, up specced Au Focus thru to Webasto and Eberspacher. Obviously the price increases with each step up, but we are happy to accomodate whatever you see as preferable.

We can install at your home or you can bring your van to us. If saving money is top of the priority list then it will be cheaper to bring to us as that eliminates travel time and fuel costs.
When installing a diesel heater we go thru this process:
- We ask you to send us some photos of possible locations in your caravan, as well as the location of your batteries and a possible location for the fuel tank.
- If we are agreed that the job is doable we meet onsite and run thru that same list to ensure nothing has been missed. (We need to drill a 100mm hold thru the floor of your caravan so while the top may be clear we need to ensure we aren’t going to drill straight thru into pipes or water tanks.
- We sort what type of heater you are after – brand and kw rating
- We get the job done – usually in half a day if there are no hiccups.
- We show you it in operation, explain it’s features and then leave you with it. There is a 12 month warranty that means if anything goes wrong in that time (that isn’t user error/damage), just bring it back and we will sort it at no cost to you.

Our goal is send you off knowing that you will be warm and that your new heater will serve you well for years to come!
Hi, Can you give us a price to supply a diesal heater in our SR 20 Snowy River caravan . Not worried about position . Please price a moderate reliable unit that you normally install. Can you price at your workshop and at our home in Safetybay.
Mobile. 0408163625 . Text if any questions.
I have a 13 foot 1976 York caravan that needs a diesel heater installed, can you give me a quote please?
I live in Narrogin and would like the instal during the day in order to return again that night thank you,
Tobias Goedhart