mobile caravan weighing Perth northern suburbs

Mobile Caravan Weighing Joondalup Area

If you’re looking to get your car, caravan, boat or husband weighed… then we are your people. Any vehicle that needs weighing up to 8 T can be weighed on our portable scales.

And if you live in the northern suburbs of Perth, around Joondalup then we can come to you quickly and easily. The process is simple:

We weigh your car and give you a printed ticket for it.

We check your towball weight.

We get you to hitch up your caravan and pull it up onto the scales and then we get a weight for it also.

Mobile caravan weighing is a great way of ensuring you stay legal and safe for your next trip on the road. Wherever possible it is ideal to weigh your caravan in ‘real time’, just when you are about to leave on a trip, or just after you come back and are yet to unpack.

You want to know the actual weight of your van fully laden so you can compare it to your actual GTM. It has been great to see people genuinely interested in this issue and keen to do the right thing not only by themselves, but by the other people on the road.

(And – we can actually weigh your husband… I hopped on the scales last week and registered 85kg – spot on!)

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